Censored Alerts are brought to you by Project Censored at Sonoma State
University: www.projectcensored.org Censored Alerts are important news
stories from alternative, i.e. REAL news, sources. These stories have been
censored or under-covered in the U.S. corporate media.
The following stories are honorably mentioned in Project Censored's yearbook, Censored 2001.
To Many Adjunct Professors, Academic Freedom is a Myth
Student Researcher: Jennifer Swift
Part-time untenured faculty are increasingly subject to loss of their First
Amendment rights to academic freedom. Adjuncts comprise nearly 50 percent
of the professorate in the United States, yet many are being dumped for
things tenure-track scholars do with impunity-teaching controversial
material, fighting grade changes, organizing unions, and so on. Academic
freedom has become more of a myth than reality to part-time professors. "I
am so beaten down that I'm just hoping I keep the job I have," says one
mathematics instructor who suspects she lost a post over union organizing.
"If I'm in this article with my name, they won't rehire me. They'll come up
with an excuse."
Jeffrey A. Schaler, a part-time psychology professor, was ditched
by Chestnut Hill College for opining to tenured colleague Thomas Klee that
addiction and mental illness are not diseases. Mr. Klee wrote an e-mail
stating, "Mr. Schaler can think whatever he wants about mental illness, but
Chestnut Hill's psychology department is on record with a specific
theoretical orientation." So it seems clear that without the protection of
tenure, a professor is vulnerable to dismissal for disagreeing with a
particular theoretical perspective.
Randy Vanderhurst, a former instructor at Colorado Mountain College, was
fired from the veterinary-technician program for mentioning tampons and
anal sex during a discussion of parasitic diseases in 1995. To illustrate
the point that giardia survives sewage treatment he related how he had seen
a tampon floating in water that had already gone through treatment. When
the topic of cryptosporidium arose, he noted it was a particular problem
for gay men because it can be transmitted through oral and anal sex.
In September, Ken Hardy sued Jefferson Community College in Kentucky for
violating his free-speech rights. In a 1998 lecture, Mr. Hardy asked
students in his interpersonal communication course to deconstruct words
used to oppress and offend. How did they evolve? How do they impede
effective communication? The students bandied about examplesgirl, faggot,
bitch, nigger-and Mr. Hardy repeated them during discussion. One student in
a class of 22 took offense-saying words like "nigger" had no place in a
communications course. Five days later Hardy met with the academic dean,
Mary Pam Besser. A month later, he was out of a job. Quint McTyeire, the
college's lawyer, said, "What goes on in the classroom is not protected by
the First Amendment. It's not a matter of public concern. It's a curricular
The Chronicle of Higher Education, December 10, 1999
Author: Alison Schneider
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