Cf. http://www.schaler.net/wtjan182003.html
The Washington Times
January 22, 2003
Nothing imaginary about mental diseases
Jeffrey A. Schaler's "Stop funding fake diseases" (Letters, Saturday)
poorly addresses the huge social, legal and medical problems of drug and
alcohol addiction. Compulsive abuse of alcohol and illegal drugs causes
enormous misery to 16 million Americans as well as their families, employers
and the communities that must deal with the devastating secondary
consequences. The upshot is more than 150,000 dead a year and a $185 billion
cost to the economy from the consequences of alcohol abuse alone.
Thankfully, because of the brilliant work of brain neurochemistry
experts such as Dr. Alan Leshner, who headed the National Institute on Drug
Abuse, and Dr. Herb Kleber, during his years at Columbia University, we know
a great deal about the fundamental nature of the addictive process. We have
developed science-based treatment protocols that will bring compulsive
substance abuse under control, keep people in recovery and drastically
reduce the cruel impact of addictive behavior.
As Dr. Sally Satel so cogently argues, drug and alcohol abuse do have
an element of choice, and we must hold chronic addicts responsible for their
behavior. That is key to the "magic" of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics
Anonymous. However, many classic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, cancer
from tobacco use, sexually transmitted diseases and illness caused by
improper diet, lack of exercise or even not wearing seat belts have a
volitional element. The sensible policy solution to all of these disorders
is science-based prevention and education as well as comprehensive medical
and therapeutic care.
I am proud to be associated with Dr. Mitch Rosenthal of Phoenix House,
the largest nonprofit alcohol and drug treatment institution in the country,
as well as Dr. Barry Karlin and CRC Health Corp., the largest provider of
for-profit services. If you have a loved one or employee confronting the
chaos and devastation of addiction, you must get that person into treatment.
You may save his or her life and bring under control the self-destructive
behavior that wrecks families and communities.
U.S. Army (retired)
National drug policy director, 1996-2001
I am disappointed that The Washington Times would print such an
uneducated screed as Mr. Schaler's letter. Obviously he has been spared the
awful experience of living with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder (aka manic
depression) or obsessive-compulsive disorder. These are real, often
life-threatening, diseases. They are not, as he suggests, metaphorical
diseases caused by character flaws. Medications are available that mitigate
many of the symptoms of these diseases, but there are no cures.
Many diseases with no known cures - for example, cancer, diabetes and
HIV - have generously funded programs to combat them. We should no more stop
searching for the causes of these diseases than we should stop trying to
discover what causes potentially deadly mental illnesses.
I suggest that Mr. Schaler get the facts and some compassion before he
spouts such ignorant drivel. Perhaps he should watch the movie "A Beautiful
Mind." Then he might come to better understand the tortured lives of
schizophrenics, who certainly are not faking it.
May God bless Mr. Schaler and his family with continued mental health.
Montgomery Village, Md.
© Copyright Jeffrey A. Schaler, 1997-2002 unless otherwise stated. All rights reserved.